Two weeks ahead of when the 34th annual Worldwide Developers Conference takes place, Swift Student Challenge winners have started receiving their 2023 prizes.

Rewards for winning include a WWDC 2023 sweatshirt, AirPods Pro, and a set of WWDC-themed pins. Each winner is also receiving a congratulatory note from Apple.
Congratulations! You took it to a whole new level. You're a confirmed WWDC2023 Swift Student Challenge Winner. The app playground you created demonstrates your commitment to great coding and ideation, which are values we champion at Apple. That's why we're excited to present you with this year's exclusive, well-earned reward. We admire your passion and use of Apple technologies, and we can't wait to see how you'll continue to code new worlds.
Apple hosts an annual Swift Student Challenge as part of the WWDC festivities. Students are tasked with creating an innovative coding project using Apple's Swift Playgrounds app. Apple required an interactive scene able to be experienced in three minutes, with students judged on technical accomplishment, creativity of ideas, and content of written responses explaining the project and other app development experience.

Some Swift Student Challenge winners will be invited to attend the special event that Apple plans to hold at Apple Park on June 5, with attendees picked using a lottery system.
Related Roundup: WWDC 2023

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