Telegram channels have become very popular with groups of various nationalities and languages, and with the arrival of Telegram v9.4.2, if you're a Premium user, it's now possible to translate entire chats in real time as you scroll them or receive new messages.
If you administrate your own groups, this update means you can now control whether group members can send nine different types, like Photos, Voice, and Video Messages. It's also now possible to quickly create group and profile pictures from animated emoji and stickers with a new Set Emoji option.
Elsewhere, there's a new Network Usage section in Settings that allows you to check how much of your data was spent on Telegram, and it's now possible to adjust which media should be automatically saved to your Camera Roll from chats, based on size, type, and source.
As for what's new in the world of emoji: There are new emoji and sticker filters like "love" and "celebration" to help you quickly find the ones you want, and premium users can check out trending emoji packs in the emoji panel and zoom in on individual emoji.
Telegram version 9.4.2 is available now on the App Store for iPhone and iPad, with a new 40% saving for users who pre-pay for a year of Telegram Premium ($39.99).
Tag: Telegram
This article, "Telegram Gains Real-Time Chat Translation, New Group Admin Controls, and More" first appeared on MacRumors.com
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source https://www.macrumors.com/2023/02/17/telegram-app-update-chat-translation/