The fresh out of the box new Chromecast with Google television (HD) is a 1080p variant of the first 4K model. It's modest and ideal for old televisions.

In 2020, Google sent off another rendition of its famous Chromecast streaming dongle. The Chromecast with Google television — its true name — accompanied a controller, which was a first for the line. It likewise upheld 4K streams.

Today, Google is sending off a minimized rendition of that model. The Chromecast with Google television (HD) presently exists as a less expensive method for entering the Google television biological system.

Streaming goal is the primary tradeoff with this model rather than the bygone one. The Chromecast with Google television (HD) just backings up to 1080p streaming. The more seasoned model — presently renamed the Chromecast with Google television (4K) — will keep on being the first in class decoration from Google.

Chromecast with Google TV (HD): What's new?

Beyond streaming goal, there aren't such a large number of contrasts to see here. The new Chromecast comes in one of similar three varieties the first came in: Snow, which is cool white. It's fueled by a USB-C link, has precisely the same controller, and supports projecting from cell phones, tablets, and PCs.

Sadly, the HD Chromecast likewise has the equivalent 8GB of stockpiling as the 4K Chromecast. This implies one of the greatest trouble spots of the Chromecast line isn't sorting out this time around.

Something remarkable about the Chromecast with Google television (HD) is that it accompanies Android 12 out of the crate. The 4K model doesn't have Android 12 yet, which puts the HD model somewhat on the ball. Notwithstanding, the 4K model will get Android 12 "soon," as indicated by Google.

At last, one of the most incredible parts of this new Chromecast is its cost. It will interfere with you $29.99, which is $20 less expensive than the 4K model. This makes it an ideal decoration for people searching for a cheap way to "redesign" a more established television in the home.

The new Chromecast is accessible today in the US and 19 different nations.